by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Aging, Genetics, Men's Health, Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes, Women's Health
Autophagy (aw-TAWHF-uh-gee), also known as the ability of our cells to clean themselves, is very important to our metabolic health. What is metabolic health and how important is it? Metabolic health is defined as having blood sugar and its corresponding insulin...
by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Aging, Genetics, Men's Health, Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes, Women's Health
As we get closer to our early 40’s, some of us might notice a rapid decline in and changes to our vision. I personally thought the doctor had made a mistake with my new eyeglass prescription!!! I went for a second opinion which only solidified the diagnosis –...
by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Genetics, Men's Health, Women's Health
As we get older, we start thinking more about our quality of life. Even though people are living longer in the United States, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll have long lives with good quality. A big question on our minds is how well our brains will work...
by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Genetics, Men's Health, Women's Health
You may have heard about the benefits of reducing calorie intake or intermittent fasting, and it turns out that these practices can activate a process called cellular autophagy (aw-TAWHF-uh-gee), which is like a self-cleaning mechanism for our cells. Let’s break...
by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Genetics, Men's Health, Women's Health
Autophagy – pronounced aw-TAWHF-uh-gee – is the ability of every cell in our body to clean and recycle old and defective parts. Each cell in your body contains genes whose specific job is to perform this cleaning service. If you think of each cell in your body...
by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D. | Genetics, Women's Health
The journey to motherhood comes easy for some, but unfortunately, not so easy for others. If you’re heart’s desire is to become a mother, and you’ve been trying, it can be devastating to discover you fall into the latter category. I have been working with infertility...