Know Your Genes . . . Control Your Health

Resources and Education for Managing Your Health and Your Life

An Anti-Aging Diet with a Mental Boost

An Anti-Aging Diet with a Mental Boost

A good diet can take you far. Whether you're trying to lose weight, improve your immune system, enhance your skin’s health or think a bit more clearly, changing your diet can be a big help in improving your health. Your anti-aging specialist can help you overcome the...

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What is a Hot Flash?

What is a Hot Flash?

If you talk to just about any woman who is going or has already gone through menopause, she’ll be able to tell you what a hot flash feels like. Some women can even explain in detail the warning signs of a hot flash; others might know a few triggers that are wise...

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Migraines Spell Trouble During Menopause

Migraines Spell Trouble During Menopause

If you've never had a migraine before, count yourself among the lucky ones. Migraines are intense headaches that throb, ache and linger for hours if not days, and unfortunately they are one of the more common symptoms of menopause. Migraines make you sensitive to...

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When Low T is On Its Way

When Low T is On Its Way

There's no date on the calendar that will mark the start of your experiences with low T. Testosterone levels decline on their own unpredictable schedule. Some men start experiencing the signs of the condition as early as their mid-30s, while others don’t feel the...

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Men, Moodiness and Low T

Men, Moodiness and Low T

Sorry guys, but women aren’t the only ones susceptible to moodiness. Men experience mood swings in much the same way that females do—especially with age. For some men the mood swings are so regular that they are referred to as irritable male syndrome, a condition...

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